Gun Control
134 items found
Mayor Lugar to Gene B. Crum, October 28, 1974
Mayor Lugar to John M. Wells, June 24, 1974
Mayor Lugar to William A. Crawford, October 10, 1975
Mitch Daniels to Mayor Lugar, October 9, 1975
Paul J. Siddens, Jr. to Mayor Lugar, April 21, 1975
Doren E. Michael to Sir
Mayor Lugar to Doren E. Michael, July 15, 1974
Point Blank: Vol. IV, No. 1
R.L. Kemp to Mayor Lugar, July 5, 194
L.R. Lewis to Mayor Lugar, August 13, 1974
L.R. Lewis to Mayor Lugar, July 22, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Wilburn L. Terry, October 10, 1974
Wilburn L. Terry to Mayor Lugar, October 2, 1974
Lugar Position Paper, Gun Control, 1974
Talking Papers: April 26, 1974
Senator Bayh: The Big Brother
Thomas S. Milligan and Floyd J. Bailey to Mayor Lugar, January 4, 1974
Crime and Delinquency - A Republican Response
Statement of Mayora A. V. Sorensen to the Subcommittee on Human Needs
Cover-up Charged in Labor Union Booklet on Sen. Birch Bahy' s Voting Record