Gun Control
134 items found
Lawrence Sherman, Tim Mosby, Ameen Najjar, and Frederick Roetter to Mayor Goldsmith and Jeff Modisett, June 21, 1994
Mayor Appoints Criminologist to Target Gun, Gangs Policy
Mayor Goldsmith Talking Points, Gun Crime
Larry Sherman Talking Points
Chief Toler Talking Points
National Gun Study Shows Indianapolis War on Gun Efforts Succeeding
Special Task Team Breaks Burglary and Gun Dealing Ring
Fact and Fiction in Gun Interdiction
Gun Seizure Rates by District, May 5, 1995
Crackdown on Illegal Weapons Announced, October 14, 1985
A Comparison of Selected State & Federal Firearms Laws
September 5th Sawed-Off Shotgun Law Kick-Off
Firearms Forecasting Pilot Site Report
Communications Branch Policy Number 19.06-I
Communications Branch Policy Number 16.03-I
Guns And Crime In Indianapolis
Police Target Violent Lawbreakers In High Crime Areas
Indianapolis Safe Kids Coalition, February 26, 1993 - Agenda
Media Advisory Gun Crime Trends
National Rifle Association exhibition booth, Img. 1