1,561 items found
Written Presentation of Mayor Hudnut to the Indianapolis City-County Council: The Juvenile Detention Center and the Sanitary Sewer Bond Issue, March 10, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Barbara S. Gole, August 18, 1987
John Ryan and Kae Browning to Cabinet Retreat Participants, May 16, 1984
Cabinet Retreat Agenda
Richard Rippel to Mayor Hudnut, June 10, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Gregg Leppert, July 30, 1987
Public Works Allegations Refuted
City Receives Federal Grant for Near Northside Sewers
Mayor Hudnut to Michael Mahoney, February 29, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Richard Rippel, July 29, 1982
Schedule for Mayor William H. Hudnut, III, Wednesday, April 29, 1987
David Hoppock to Members of the Public Works Committee, June 24, 1977
Fred Madorin to Richard Rippel, June 9, 1982
Allen McFearin to John Willen, June 8, 1982
Department of Public Works Comparison of Revenues to Expenditures Sewer User Charges
Mayor Hudnut to Norman Ochstein, May 17, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Richard Rippel, August 28, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Richard Rippel, April 28, 1982
Lift Station #419 10507 Schooner Court Meter #493394
Pam Colvin to Robert Courtney, April 13, 1984