1,561 items found
Barbara S. Gole to Mayor Hudnut, November 30, 1987
North Side Sewers and Fall Creek Interceptors: Status Report, Department of Public Works - March 1987
Outline Proposed Ordinance Changes - March 1987
Barbara Gole to Mayor Hudnut, December 15, 1986
Barbara Gole to Mayor Hudnut, July 15, 1986
Project Study Areas
Belmont Interceptor North Branch
Stephen R. Nielsen to William Dowden. January 12, 1990
Northside Diversion Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station and Force Main
Mayor Hudnut to Rolland Cossey, July 30, 1990
Tom Henry to Mayor Hudnut/Mary Ann Pahud
Barbara S. Gole to Mayor Hudnut, June 26, 1986
Barbara S. Gole to Mayor Hudnut, September 18, 1985
Barbara S. Gole to Mayor Hudnut, October 2, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Barbara Gole, August 21, 1986
Barbara S. Gole to Mayor Hudnut, August 15, 1986
Department of Public Works Information, 1975
Elva Taulbee to Kathryn Snedeker, January 12, 1990
Department of Public Works 1986 Community Sanitary Sewer Projects
Neighborhood Profile: Terra Vista East Neighborhood Association