June Schedules 1984
213 items found
Anna Howie-Kokas to Mayor Hudnut, March 15, 1984
GIPC Board of Directors Meeting Notification
Nancy Coleman to Mary Ann Pahud, May 30, 1984
Anton Piringer to Mayor Hudnut, April 5, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kush, May 30,1984
Mary Ann Pahud to Mr. & Mrs. Robert Irsay, June 15, 1984
Mayor Hudnuit to Mr. & Mrs. Robert Irsay, May 30, 1984
Mayor Recognizes USO Supporters
Margo A. Lyon to Mayor Hudnut, June 26, 1984
GIPC Board of Directors Agenda
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, June 28, 1984
Gerald DeWitt to Mayor Hudnut, June 4, 1984
Ernest Medcalfe to Mayor Hudnut, June 6, 1984
Michael Q. Rhea to Mayor Hudnut, May 14, 1984
Thomas W. Moses & Thomas H. Sams to Mayor Hudnut, June 7, 1984
John W. Ryan & Steven C. Beering to Thomas D. Bell Jr., May 9, 1984
Mayor's Labor Advisory Council Meeting Notification
Mayor Hudnut to Greg Allen, June 15, 1984
Bill Henry to Mayor Hudnut, June 18, 1984
Marcie Thompson to Mayor Hudnut, May 31, 1984