June Schedules 1984
213 items found
GOP State Convention Notes
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, June 20, 1984
Kathy Hubbard to Special VIP Guests of the Indiana Olympic Basketball Tribute, June 14, 1984
Larry Conrad & Charlie Davis to Mayor Hudnut, May 10, 1984
Fact Sheet Indiana Olympic Basketball Tribute
Larry Conrad & Charlie Davis to Mayor Hudnut, June 1, 1984
Indiana Olympic Basketball Tribute Dinner Notes
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, June 21, 1984
Itinerary for AFS International Soviet/American Exchange Downtown Walking and Motor Tour
Mark V. DeFabis to Mayor Hudnut, June 4, 1984
"This Walking/Motor Tour..."
"Points Picked Up..."
Alex M. Clark to Mayor Hudnut, May 31, 1984
Peggy Nicholson to Mayor Hudnut, May 23, 1984
Sarah Hayman to Mayor Hudnut, June 4, 1984
To Mayor Hudnut
Peter V. Stirling to Mayor Hudnut, April 30, 1984
Invitation to Kick Off a Star Spangled Summer at the Children's Museum
Nora Community Council News Vol. 84, No. 6, June 4, 1984
D. Robert Webster to Committee-Members-Soviet AFS Exchange, June 19, 1984