43 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Ehsan Motaghed, February 15, 1989
Ehsan Motaghed to Mayor Hudnut, January 15, 1989
Elena Leigh-Cohen to Executive Cabinet Members, May 5, 1986
Robert H. Reynolds to Mayor Hudnut, April 4, 1986
Cindi Griffin to Mayor Hudnut, February 13, 1984
John D. Barlow to Mary Ann Pahud, March 28, 1984
Indiana Committee for the Humanities
"Merry Christmas!" Throughout the World
Gregory Scott to Sir, March 30, 1977
Mayor Hudnut to Kay Stalcup, June 20, 1984
International Center Indianapolis: Executive English Language and Cultural Skills Program for International Business Professionals
Arabic and Japanese
Mayor Hudnut to Fred Madorin, November 1, 1984
From Mayor Hudnut, March 14, 1990
Thomas Alsop to Art Bustamante, October 9, 1990
Mayor's Recognition Day, October 23, 1990
From Mayor Hudnut_On the ELS Language Center
From Adele F. Tyson
Louis Gatto to International Student
Louis Gatto to ELS Representative