284 items found
Mayor Lugar to Don McClenahan, January 2, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Florence Brigham, February 27, 1968
Mayor Lugar to J. B. King, December 26, 1967
Mayor Lugar to James A. Ballew, February 26, 1968
Mayor Lugar to John T. Haynes, February 27, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Mr. and Mrs. Edward McDermott, February 26, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belter, February 27, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Trefts, February 27, 1968
Well Site Map for West 96th Street and Zionsville Road Landfill
James L Cook to Richard P. Wetter, December 20, 1973
Heavy Trash Program Background Sheet
Department of Public Works Announced the Closing of a Landfill, July 12, 1974
Decatur Township Civic Council Debate
Jeffrey H. Sirmin to Sam Dodd, May 21, 1982
Northside Sanitary Landfill, Inc. vs Samuel E. Dodd and Frank Hilland
Warren D. Krebs to Richard Rippel, April 24, 1982
Richard Rippel to John Krauss, April 26, 1982
John L. Krauss to Richard Rippel, July 7, 1982
Candidate Landfill Site
Landfill Map