Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
201 items found
Proclamation, Marion County IRS Volunteer Day, Apr. 27, 1993
Carolyn Sanders to Mitzie Hurst, March 23, 1993
Proclamation: "The Mayor's 1993-1994 Volunteer Partnership Awards" Earl Christea
Handwritten Notes: Earl Christea
Proclamation, Marion County IRS Volunteer Day, Apr. 16, 1992
Lisa Welcher to Ann Hicks, March 5, 1992
Mayor Lugar to William J. Caron, July 22, 1974
Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada NewsLetter
Lugar Campaign Committee IRS Form 4909, Declaration of Campaign Committee
Activity Report, October 18, 1973, Robert Potvin
Richard G. Lugar to Marh C. Ristow, August 16, 1973
Richard G. Lugar to Mrs. Emil H. Beinke, June 4, 1974
Richard G. Lugar to Rick B. Moore, July 16, 1974
Rick B. Moore to Richard G. Lugar, June 21, 1974
School Property Tax Rate List
Statement by Mayor Richard G. Lugar, Sep. 13, 1972
Talking Paper, Tax Increase - Whose Responsibility?
Tax Policy, Vol. XL. No. 2, 1973
Tax Rate Comparisons, Sep. 11, 1972
Taxpayers Lobby of Indiana vs. Robert D. Orr, Jul. 26, 1973