Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development
2,202 items found
Issue Profile: Pepper Committee Review: DMD, No. 1
Issue Profile: Pepper Committee Review: DMD, No. 2
Pepper Committee Minutes, April 27, 1989
"The City of Indianapolis..."
From Mayor Hudnut
Defunct Federal Programs Formerly Utilized by DMD
Expenditures in Neighborhoods by City Department 1983 to Present
Listing of City Expenditures in Neighborhoods and Key
Beverly Guidara to David Carley, August 28, 1986
Beverly Guidara to Mike Higbee, August 28, 1986
Art Harris to Michael A. Carroll, June 15, 1972
You are Invited to Attend a Farewell Reception for Moira Carlstedt
Drew Klacik to John W. Labaj, May 24, 1989
Circle Centre Workers Chart
Circle Centre Wages Chart
John Neal to David Cleaver, April 15, 1992
Summary of Proposed DMD Projects for ICIP
Project Request Sheet: Expansion of Computer Capacity
Stuart Reller to David Jordan, Charles Bardonner, and Dan Smith, March 6, 1992
Legal Action by Denison Parking Against City Withdrawn, April 20, 1988