Indianapolis Art League
77 items found
Lugar Attends Indianapolis Art League Event at Hilton Hotel, Img. 23
Lugar Attends Indianapolis Art League Event at Hilton Hotel, Img. 24
Lugar Attends Indianapolis Art League Event at Hilton Hotel, Img. 25
Lugar Attends Indianapolis Art League Event at Hilton Hotel, Img. 28
Lugar Attends Indianapolis Art League Event at Hilton Hotel, Img. 29
Ken Steele to Mayor Lugar, November 30, 1971
Indianapolis Art League Foundation
Judith Murphy and Joyce Sommers Contact Information
Schedule for Mayor William H. Hudnut, III, Friday, May 15, 1987
Hands of Man Regional Crafts Invitational Poster
Invitation to the Indianapolis Art Leagues' Viewing of the League's Billboard Project
Art as Propaganda
Mayor Hudnut to Jacqueline Tomulonis, July 11, 1979
Indianapolis Art League Roadshow '79' 2nd Annual Open-Air Billboard Exhibition
Janette Kattman to Cindy Higbee, June 15, 1990
Indianapolis Art League Mission, History & Inititatives 1989-91
Indianapolis Art League 1993 City Fund Profile