Indianapolis Urban League
243 items found
Joe Slash Headshot, September 28, 1978, Img. 4
Mayor Hudnut with Sam Jones, February 1983, Img. 6
Mayor Hudnut at Indiana Black Expo, July 9, 1983, Img. 30, with Sam Jones
Mayor Hudnut at Indiana Black Expo, July 9, 1983, Img. 31 with Sam Jones
Government Cable Reception, December 12, 1983, Img. 14, with Sam Jones, Stephen R. West
Government Cable Reception, December 12, 1983, Img. 5, with Sam Jones
Government Cable Reception, December 12, 1983, Img. 6, with Sam Jones
Mayor Hudnut with Sam Jones, February 1983, Img. 7
Mayor Hudnut with Sam Jones, February 1983, Img. 8
Mayor Hudnut with Sam Jones, February 1983, Img. 1
Mayor Hudnut with Sam Jones, February 1983, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut with Sam Jones, February 1983, Img. 3
Mayor Hudnut with Sam Jones, February 1983, Img. 4
Mayor Hudnut with Sam Jones, February 1983, Img. 5
Mayor Hudnut and George Bush at Meeting, June 20, 1983, Img. 1, with Sam Jones, Donald Tanselle, Joseph A. Slash, and Earl Harris
Mayor Hudnut and George Bush at Meeting, June 20, 1983, Img. 5, with Sam Jones, Donald Tanselle, Moses Gray, and Joseph A. Slash
Mayor Hudnut and George Bush at Meeting, June 20, 1983, Img. 6, with Sam Jones, Donald Tanselle, Moses Gray, and Joseph A. Slash
Mayor Hudnut and George Bush at Meeting, June 20, 1983, Img. 7, with Sam Jones, Donald Tanselle, and Joseph A. Slash
Mayor Hudnut and George Bush at Meeting, June 20, 1983, Img. 8, with Sam Jones, Donald Tanselle, Charles Williams, Maribeth Smith, Moses Gray, Rev. Andrew Brown, Joseph A. Slash, and Earl Harris
Mayor Hudnut and George Bush at Meeting, June 20, 1983, Img. 9, with Sam Jones, Donald Tanselle, Charles Williams, Maribeth Smith, Moses Gray, Joseph A. Slash, and Earl Harris