Kansas City, Missouri
64 items found
Edwin Simcox to Mayor Hudnut, July 27, 1976
1976 Republican National Convention Delegates and Alternates
Room Assignment Note, 1976 Republican National Convention
Second 1988 Republican Platform Committee Hearing
Itinerary for Kansas City
Mayor Hudnut to Jay T. Bell, September 26, 1979
Jay T. Bell to Mayor Hudnut, August 9, 1979
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, September 24, 1979 (Edited)
1976 Republican National Convention General Fact Sheet
Worlds of Fun
Worlds of Fun GOP Special
Bruce W. Claycombe to L. Keith Bulen, October 14, 1971
Interview with L. Keith Bulen on 1976 Republican National Convention and Election, Part 2
The Mayor's Prayer Breakfast_Kansas CIty
John P. Hilmes to Mayor Lugar, January 7, 1975
Debbie Daniels to John P. Hilmes, January 13, 1975
Climate Comparisons
Mayor Lugar Reservation at the Hotel Muehlebach in Kansas City, MO, October 1, 1970
National League of Cities Executive Committee Statement, October 1, 1970
Patrick Healy to Members of Executive Committee, July 17, 1970