Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA)
28 items found
Robert N. Margraf to Representative Bulen, December 9, 1991
ISTA Legislative Remainder
Mayor Lugar to Jane Dalzell, August 15, 1974
Buckley v. Board of School Commissioners of the City of Indianapolis - Judgment
ISTA Conference On Instruction, October 27, 1977
Shirley Tatum to Susan McVie, July 20, 1976
Bill Cook to Mayor Hudnut, October 11, 1977
Barbara King to Mayor Hudnut, September 5, 1978
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, October 25, 1979
Mayor Hudnut to Barbara King, September 14, 1979
Barbara King to Mayor Hudnut, August 29. 1979
ISTA Conf. on Instruction - Opening Session Notes
Hudnut for Secretary of State: Indiana State Teachers Association
I-PACE Notes, August 12, 1990
I-PACE Notes, July 18, 1990
I-Pace and Local PAC's 1990 Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate Permission to Appear on a Slate, I-PACE
Comments to I-Pace 1990 Candidate Questionnaire
To Jewell DeBonis, July 26, 1990
Comments to I-Pace 1990 Candidate Questionnaire_With Notes