Invest Indianapolis
426 items found
Thomas L. Otto to Mayor Hudnut, September 30, 1988
INVEST Indianapolis GWHS Pilot Program
Student Agreement George Washington High School
From Kevin F. Merriweather, December 9, 1987
INVEST Indianapolis Spring Semester 1988
INVEST Indianapolis Executive Committee Meeting, August 1988 Agenda
INVEST Indianapolis George Washington High School End of Year Report
Karen Willis to Mayor Hudnut, September 4, 1987
Tom Otto to Mayor Hudnut, October 5, 1987
"Invest Indianapolis" Leadership Group
Andre B. Lacy to Ramon Humke and Others, October 1, 1987
Status Report-October 2, 1987
Proposed Executive Committee
Draft Invest Indianapolis
Projected Budget for Pilot, Seven Schools and Attendance
Data Report
INVEST Indianapolis Executive Committee
The National Alliance of Business Compact Project Status Report
Major Issues for Mayor to Address