398 items found
Taxes - Property Taxes vs. Inflation
Congressman Hudnut Takes Action to Curtail Inflation
Mayor Hudnut to Senator Michael Rogers, January 26, 1981
From Mayor Hudnut, November 7, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to XXX, November 7, 1980
From Mayor Lugar, October 27, 1975
From Otis R. Bowen
Economy Notecards
Congressman Hudnut Opposes Ignition Interlock System on Automobiles
Economy Notecard
Nix on OSHA Committees of South-Central Indiana
Speech Notes
Hudnut Blasts Tax Surcharge
Hudnut Urges Increased Benefits for Veterans to Cope with Inflation
Hudnut Says Wasteful Spending Programs Are Candidates for the Knife
Congressional Record, Vol. 120, No. 73, May 23, 1974
Hudnut Blames Inflation on 'Big Spender'
Hudnut Says Runaway Government Spending Causes Inflation Hudnut Opposed Proposed Tax Surcharge
Hudnut Says Wasteful Spending Programs are Candidates for the Knife