Infant Mortality
556 items found
Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy Babies
Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy Babies
Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy Babies, February 1992
Health and Healthy Babies
Compare United States vs. Canada
Marcia Jenkins to Mayor Goldsmith, June 14, 1999
Proclamation "Health Leadership Awards Day" Draft, November 10, 1999
Stephen Goldsmith to Tiffani Murray, April 18, 1995
Tiffani Murray to Mayor Goldsmith, April 8, 1995
Marcia Jenkins to Mayor Goldsmith, June 7, 1995
Mom Project Fact Sheet
Proclamation: "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month" 1993
State of the City, January 9, 1990
Mayor William Hudnut, Lessons in Leadership, University of Indianapolis
Proclamation, Healthy Babies Month, Sep. 1991
Proclamation, Healthy Babies Month, Sep. 1990
Infant Mortality Press Conference, April 6, 1994
Infant Mortality Bullets, March 25, 1994
Indianapolis Low Birth Weight Rate 1/1/93 Through 12/31/93
Indianapolis Year to Date Infant Mortality Rates by Zone and Non-Zone Area