Gangs/Youth Violence
105 items found
Let's Stop Kids Killing Kids
Mayor's Summit on Juvenile Crime
Mayor's Summit on Juvenile Crime, January 10, 1994
Mary Poss, Barbara Mallory, and Robert A. Estrada to Stephen Goldsmith, March 28, 1994
Steve Bartlett to Stephen Goldsmith, February 23. 1994
Projected Attendance, Mayors Youth Summit
Steve Bartlett to Stephen Goldsmith, January 14. 1994
New York and Los Angeles Police Chiefs Join 13 Big City Mayors at Mayors Summit on Juvenile Crime April 8 and 9 in Dallas, April 5, 1994
Kathy O'Brian to Mayor Goldsmith, April 6, 1994
Major New Gang Initiatives of Metro Gang Task Force Announced
Goldsmith Proposes Strategy for Neighborhood Nuisance Abatement
Liquor License Monitoring
Gun Safety, Key Months - November, December
Youth City News, 1992, Volume 2, Number 2
Beverly Phillips to Mayor Goldsmith & Deputy Mayor Nancy Silvers, July 18, 1994
Mayor Steve Bartlett to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, February 17, 1995
A Summary of the Mayor's Summit of Juvenile Violence, Dallas, Texas 1994
Mayor Gregory S. Lashutka to Mayor Steve Bartlett, March 28, 1994
Mayor's Summit On Juvenile Crime City of Dallas: Greatest Youth Concerns; Insuffiecient Intervention and Prevention Programs
Mayor's Summit on Juvenile Crime City of Dallas: Most Successful Programs "Zero Tolerance" Gang Task Force