1,594 items found
City of Indianapolis, Office of Controller, Interest on Temporary Investments, May 31, 1970
City of Indianapolis, Office of Controller, Interest on Temporary Investments, Oct. 31, 1969
City of Indianapolis, Office of the Controller, Statement of Revenues, Jan. 31, 1969
Civil City-County Property Tax Rates, Apr. 5, 1971
Estimate of Misc. Revenues, Consolidated City of Indianapolis as of Dec. 14, 1970
Indiana Municipal League Note, Still Owe $600,000
James E. Silvey to Mayor Lugar, April 4, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Gene Battaly, August 19, 1969
Budget Work Sheet, Parks and Recreation Department
William H. McClennan to Mayor Lugar, October 9, 1970
Thomas C. Hasbrook to Kenneth N. Simpson, May 26, 1969
Investment Report, Dec. 31, 1970
Investment Report, Oct. 31, 1970
John Wallsto Mayor Lugar, Report Issues
Ivan H. Brinegar to City Official, May 15, 1969
Proclamations March, 1974
To James T. Morris, August 2, 1972 Regarding Arbitration Settlement
C. Kyle Hughes to Mayor Lugar, August 1, 1973
Capt. James E. Shea to John W. Sweezy, August 21, 1973
Capt. James E. Shea to Mayor Lugar, August 21, 1973