Health and Hospital Corporation
205 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Lawrence Buell, February 26, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Lawrence Buell, February 26, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Katherine Blakemore, January 20, 1984
Joseph A. Slash to Mayor Hudnut, December 20, 1983
John P. Ryan to Mayor Hudnut. May 5, 1983
Thomas C. Hasbrook to Patrick Kiely and Judy Palmer, January 7, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to James T. Morris, November 29, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Frank Johnson, November 5 ,1982
Mayor Hudnut to Larry Buell, July 23, 1985
State Board of Accounts, Audit Report of Health and Hospital Corporation
Mayor Hudnut to Stanley Strader, March 4, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Lawrence Buell, September 28, 1987
Rosemarie Neimeyer Hansel Food Services Inspector, July 29, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to William Harger, June 6, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Dave Carley, February 11, 1986
David R. Frick to Mayor Hudnut, February 6, 1976
Mayor Hudnut to Richard D. Wood, August 6, 1982
Frank Johnson to Mike Higbee, October 21, 1988
Frank Johnson to Mayor Hudnut, September 27, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Lawrence Buell, February 26, 1988