408 items found
Jamaica Plaque
Patriots Day Award from The American Legion, Paul Coble Post #26, August 20, 1974
Plaque to Mayor Hudnut from Mitthoefer Business and Neighborhood Association, December 3, 1987
Plaque to Mayor Hudnut from Leukemia Society of America
Plaque to Congressman Hudnut from Indianapolis Naval Avionics Center, February 2, 1973
Royal Order of Loyal Republicans Hall of Fame to Mayor Hudnut, August 24, 1994
Plaque to Mayor Hudnut from Sammy S. Mustaklem, Fire Chief of Jerusalem, August 5, 1980
Clean Air Award to Mayor Hudnut, 1986
Plaque to Mayor Hudnut from Cuban Federation of Baseball, August 8, 1988
Plaque to Mayor Hudnut from American Diabetes Association
Plaque from Independent Insurance Agents of Greater Indianapolis to Mayor Hudnut, December 30, 1991
Plaque to Congressman Hudnut Made from Teakwood Salvaged from Deck of USS Indiana (BB-58)
Plaque Depicting Bald Eagle, American Flag, and "Birthday Wishes"
500 Festival Float Award Presented to the City of Indianapolis, 1971
Plaque Presented by the YMCA in Appreciation of Mayor Lugar's Role in the 1973 Model United Nations
Indianapolis-Scarborough International Peace Games Plaque, 1999
Indianapolis Immunization Coalition Plaque
Indianapolis Urban League Plaque
Eisenhower Memorial Scholarship Foundation Plaque
Chief Snow Fighter plaque from Dept. of Public Works