777 items found
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, 77th Running of the Indianapolis 500 Mile Race
Vikki Henkle to Dollyne Pettingill, March 25, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, 1993 U.S. Open International Table Tennis Challenge
Proclamation, Eric Schiffer Scholarship Race Day, May 8, 1993
Proclamation, Union Station's 2nd Annual First Day Celebration, Jan. 1, 1993
First Day, Union Station's 2nd Annual First Day Celebration
Proclamation, Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre Week, Mar. 7-13, 1993
Proclamation, Walt Disney's World on Ice Presents Beauty and the Beast Week, Dec. 7-11, 1992
Christine Beechy to Ann Hicks, October 22, 1992
Objectives of SeniorFest '93
SeniorFest '93 Will Be Comprised of the Following
Marilyn K. Solomon & Barbara Schuck to Ginger Hall, April 23, 1993
Proclamation, Big Wheel 500 Race Day, May 14, 1993
Hotter Than the Fourth of July Celebration '93
Proclamation "Inter-national Clown Week"
Betty L. Crabtree to Mayor Goldsmith, July 25, 1994
The Presidential Proclamation Declares August..
Proclamation "National Clown Week"
Kae Rader to Mayor Goldsmith, April 15, 1993
Indianapolis to Host 1993 U.S. Open