478 items found
Carl Specker to All City-County Councillors, July 12, 1983
Drainage Plan Implementation Discussion Agenda
Mayor Signs Drainage Project Contracts
Fred Madorin to Dr. Beurt SerVaas, October 1, 1980
Richard Rippel to Fred Armstrong, February 14, 1980
Department of Public Works 1986 Estimated Schedule for Construction of Drainage Projects
Steve Smith to UPP 585-1985 IRTIP Files, October 1, 1984
Schedule for Mayor William H. Hudnut, III, Wednesday, September 9, 1987
Drainage and Flood Control News Conference
City Sewers and Drainage Area Map
Seventh Annual Report Marion County Soil and Water Conservation
Drainage Problems in Community Hospital Area
Hudnut Tours Swampy Area, Announces Plan To Improve Drainage Situation
Department of Public Works 1983 Flood Control Bond Projects
Storm Briefing
John D. Heron to Mayor Hudnut, March 13, 1979
Mayor Hudnut to Barbara Gole, August 7, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to City-County Council, Beurt SerVaas, October 7, 1985
Cumulative Funds Budgeted, 1985-1989
Mayor Hudnut to Keith Davis, August 6, 1979