114 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Richard Petticrew, October 13, 1989
City of Indianapolis Richard Petticrew Certificate
PEPPER Committee Report
Glenn L. Howard to David Frick, June 13, 1978
Powell A. Fraser to Mayor Hudnut, January 27, 1987
Honorary-Advisory Committee Members
John R. Joyner to Mayor Hudnut, April 4, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to John R. Joyner, February 21, 1983
Proposed Organizational Structure
Job Descriptions, Committees, June 8, 1983
National League of Cities Convention, Organizational Chart
National League of Cities Convention, Organizational Chart_Notes
Nancy A. Folsom to John Mutz, September 19, 1986
Lawrence Township Citizens Committee, June 1986, No. 4
National League of Cities Convention Plan of Action
Plan of Action, Local Operating Committee
Mayor Hudnut to Maribeth Smith and William K. McGowan, Jr., November 12, 1982
Mayor Announces Formation of Committee Encouraging NFL Franchise, December 30, 1981
Indiana NFL Committee Membership
Roland Luedtke to Members of the Human Development Committee, January 15, 1986