Economic Development
3,408 items found
Circle Centre's New Look Unveild at Council Hearing, September 17, 1991
Karen S. Stierer to Larry Gigerich, February 9, 1993
Mayor's Existing Industry Task Force Survey Subcommittee Goals and Objectives
Project Jobs Documents Available as of: April 9, 1993
Marvin L. Johnson to Jean-Yves F. Dexmier, November 3, 1992
Agreement between Indianapolis Urban Enterprise Association, Inc. and Thomson Consumer Electronics
Stephen Goldsmith to Jean-Yves F. Dexmier, October 2, 1992
Jean-Yves F. Dexmier to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, October 2, 1992
Memorandum of Understanding between City of Indianapolis and Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
City of Indianapolis Stephen Goldsmith Mayor, December 3, 1992
The Kentucky System
William H. Hudnut, III to Evan Bayh, February 12, 1991
Caterina Cregor President and CEO
Circle Centre Study Highlights
Total Economic Impact on the State of Indiana 1987-1999
Circle Centre Slide Presentation Sequence of Slide Topics, August 20, 1990
City of Indianapolis Project Jobs: "Investing Today for Jobs Tomorrow" Documents Available as of: April 29, 1993
Metropolitan Development Commission Draft Resolution
Goldsmith Unveils Plan To Rejuvenate City's Near Westside
David Kingen and Charlene Hederick to Nancy Silvers, October 12, 1992