Economic Development
3,408 items found
Mayor Goldsmith Announces Motorsports Economic Development Initiative
Mayor Announces Plan to Encourage Redevelopment of Brownfields
Mayor Says 1992 Best Year Ever for City Job Creation Programs
Leadership Named for New Downtown Organization
Keystone Avenue Reconstruction
Principles for Regional Cooperation
Mayor Goldsmith and IEDC Board Announce New President of Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation
Media Advisory Regarding Software Artistry, October 3, 1996
Software Artistry Moves to New Northside Headquarters
Financial Incentives Agreement Unites Three Counties, Photocopy
Media Advisory Regarding Martin Luther King Corridor Development, June 26, 1996
Officials Plan To Overhaul Meadows Neighborhood Area
Media Advisory Regarding Meadows Neighborhood Development, April 17, 1996
Mayor Welcomes Arriving USA Group Executive Staff, Releases Study Showing Major Economic Benefits of Move Downtown
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges the Outstanding Services of William Linville
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges the Outstanding Services of Malcolm Applegate
Welcome to Indianapolis!
Joni Sheeks to Mayor Goldsmith, February 17, 1997
Proclamation "Indianapolis Logistics Week"