Economic Development
3,408 items found
Economic Development Initiatives and Responsibilities
Ali Khan to Larry Gigerich, February 26, 1993
Attract Businesses to Cleveland Executive Summary
Jana Pehler to Larry Gigerich, February 15, 1993_Photocopy
Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation Project Summaries_Photocopy
Companies Receiving Financial Assistance
Special Projects-Larry Gigerich/Jay Walters
Notes on Meeting with Snyder, March 27, 1995
Jay Walters to Larry Gigerich, March 23, 1995_With Notes
Jay Walters to Larry Gigerich, March 23, 1995
Larry Gigerich and Jay Walters to Mayor Goldsmith and Others, April 21, 1994
Larry Gigerich and Jay Walters to Dan Kozlowski, April 21, 1994
Special Projects-Larry Gigerich_25 Projects
Larry Gigerich to Dollyne Pettingill and John Hatfield, November 29, 1993
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith and Others, September 2, 1993
Job Creation Goals Announced on May 7, 1992 by Mayor, Another Timeline
Special Projects- Larry Gigerich_23 Projects
1992 PTI Technology Achievement Awards
Costis Toregas to PTI Contact, June 28, 1992
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith and Mike Wells, January 31, 1994