Economic Development
3,408 items found
Portland Notecards
Handwritten Notes
Mayor Richard J. Lugar
South Bend-Mishawaka Area New Business & Development
Fact Sheet, Project Future
Roger Reinhardt to Mayor Hudnut, December 16, 1988
Harden H. Wiedemann to Mayor Hudnut, November 16, 1988
Matthew E. Welsh and John M. Mutz to Mayor Hudnut, September 14, 1976
The American Economy in Perspective, a Talk by Dr. Harold C. Passer
Urban League Means Equal Opportunity
Citizens for a New Prosperity, November 30, 1971
District 20 Economic Development
Empowerment Zones, May 5, 1993
Statement of Maurice B. Foley
Summary of Legislation Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993
Empowerment Act of 1993 Summary of Proposed Legislation
Testimony on Empowerment Zone Legislation Before the Senate Small Business Committee by Andrew Cuomo
Testimony of Frank O'Bannon
Testimony of Indiana Department of Commerce Subcommittee on Economic Growth and Credit Formation
UEZ Op Ed Draft