Economic Development
3,408 items found
City of Indianapolis Global Initiatives Task Force Summary of Challenges
1993 Success List
1992 Success List
Goldsmith Announces Nine Business Expansions, September 7, 1994
Goldsmith Announces Six Business Expansions, Over 300 New Jobs
Mayor Announces Formation of Incentives Task Force
Meat and Potatos' Fuel Local Economy, September/October 1994
Conrail Profile
Inside Track, Conrail Winter 1992, The Development Game
Indiana and Conrail
Current Projects of Larry Gigerich, Priorities, March 31, 1992, 1992
Indianapolis Economic Development Projects
Company: Autoliv
Registrants at Invest in USA Seminar
Active Projects Sorted by Company
Current Projects of Larry Gigerich, March 6, 1995
Special Projects-Larry Gigerich/Jay Walters_46 Projects
From W. Sidney Johnson, July 27, 1995
From George E. Walker, July 24, 1995
Larry Gigerich to Dan Kozlowski and Others, November 29, 1993