Civic Pride
160 items found
Joe Botkin to Mayor Lugar, June 29, 1972
Peter Frenzel III and John Guedel to Mayor Lugar, November 14, 1969
Discover What Indianapolis
Mayor Hudnut to Jack E. Reich, July 25, 1983
From Mayor Hudnut, October, 1979
Congressional Record - Extensions of Remarks
John L. Krauss to Mayor Hudnut and Others, July 18, 1979
A Proposal for an Indianapolis Development Fair
Indiana's Ten Great Gifts to America
Lawrence M. Borst to Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., August 24, 1982
Community Pride and Involvement Seen as the Base for Making a City a Tourist Destination Point
God Bless America
Hoosier Celebration Eighty-Eight
Robert D. Orr to Mayor Hudnut, December 1987
Rob Meyne to Governor's Commission for Hoosier Celebration '88, December 1987
Hoosier Celebration '88
1985 Inaugural Address Governor Orr
Hoosier Celebration Fact Sheet
Overview of Selected Hoosier Celebration '88 Projects
Mary E. Studebaker to Mayor Hudnut, April 12, 1978