Business, Women and Minorities in
819 items found
Joseph A. Slash to Mayor Hudnut, May 18, 1982
Minority Participation Plan For White River Park Development Commission, May 19, 1982
Thomas M. Lofton to Bruce C. Brown, August 7, 1981
White River Park Development Commission; Duties To Minorities
Minority Business Participation News Release, MArch 8, 1985
Minutes Of Meeting; Minority Participation Task Force, May 3, 1982
Daryl J. Rodgers to the White River Park Development Commission, December 17, 1981
Bruce C. Brown to Melvin Johnson, April 15, 1982
Minutes Of Meeting Minority Participation Task Force, March 10, 1982
Melvin Johnson and Katherine Heikes to Bruce C. Brown, February 8, 1982
Walter Scott Blackburn to Bruce C. Brown, December 30, 1981
Bruce C. Brown to William A. Crawford, October 2, 1981
Bruce C. Brown to White River Park Development Commission, March 9, 1982
Susan Macey Thompson to John L. Krauss, March 16, 1982
Bruce C. Brown to John L. Krauss, March 2, 1982
Public Law No. 143; White River Park Enabling Legislature
William A. Crawford to Bruce C. Brown, September 9, 1981
William A. Crawford to Carl Dortch, January 12, 1982
Carl Dortch to William A. Crawford, January 26, 1982
William Watt to White River Park Development Commission, February 10, 1982