Whistler, Charles L.
222 items found
John Wood to Mayor Lugar, May 1, 1972
Michael A. Carroll to Stephen Hans, August 30, 1972
Beurt SerVaas to Mark Murphy, March 20, 1969
Rev. William Quick to Michael A. Carroll and Charles L. Whistler, April 20, 1972
John C. O'Connor to Charles L. Whistler, December 22, 1972
Michael A. Carroll to Mayor Lugar, November 6, 1972
Charles L. Whistler to Mayor Lugar, July 26, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Mrs. Russell S. Hightshue, November 14, 1969
J. E. Knott to Mayor Lugar, January 9, 1970
Mark W. Murphy to J. E. Knott, May 20, 1969
From Charles L. Whistler and Beauford A. Norris, September 8, 1969
From Charles L. Whistler and Beauford A. Norris, September 8, 1969 (Without Received Stamp)
Items to be Considered in the Development of the City-County Building and the Market Site, May 28, 1969
Michael A. Carroll to Elton Geshwiler, September 8, 1972
Michael A. Carroll to Stephen Hans, June 30, 1972
T. W. Schulenberg to Richard G. Lugar, June 13, 1972
Thomas C. Hasbrook to Harold J. Egenes and William K. Byrum, January 14, 1971
John B. King to Mayor Lugar, January 8, 1968
Memorandum About City Market, Mar. 16, 1970
Mayor's Task Force on Improved Governmental Structure for Indianapolis and Marion County: Minutes of Meeting