Blitzer, Caterina Cregor
256 items found
Goldsmith Names New Deputy Mayor
Goldsmith Announces Diversity Initiatives
Goldsmith Reports on ZF Visit
Mayor Announces Leadership Changes
Goldsmith Names Chief of Staff
Caterina Cregor Blitzer and Jan Schlegel to Mitzi Hurst, October 20, 1998
Cathy Cregor Blitzer to Janet Fischer, Rick Hughes, & David Lips, June 16, 1997
Carlos Barbera to Cathy Cregor Blitzer, May 5, 1995
Cathy Cregor to Mayor Goldsmith and Andre De Bruin, September 18, 1992
Tom Armstrong to Cathy Cregor, May 22, 1992
Donald E. Jones to Caterina Cregor, April 19, 1993
William L. Selm to Caterina Cregor, September 10, 1992
Cathy Cregor to Indianapolis Global Initiative Task Force, September 22, 1992_With Post-It
Cathy Cregor to Indianapolis Global Initiative Task Force, September 22, 1992
Cathy Cregor to Mayor Goldsmith and Senior Staff, May 22, 1992
Cathy Cregor to Barry Baer and 15 Others, May 8, 1992
Cathy Cregor to Barry Baer and 22 Others, May 6, 1992
Cathy Cregor to Barry Baer and 22 Others, April 28, 1992
Nancy Silvers, Deputy Mayor...
Employee Suggestion Awards Program, April 13, 1992