3,066 items found
Regular Meeting of the Indiana Horse Racing Commission, Oct. 22, 1991
Rebuilding Families - "Teen Pregnancy" - Antonio Davis - Indiana Pacers
Rebuilding Families - "Teen Pregnancy" - Marita Stavrou-Miller - Actress
Interview with Dr. Wm. J. Martin III
Senior Staff Meeting Notes, May 28, 1992
IDI Action Team Meeting, October 21, 1993
Indianapolis Downtown Marketing, Inc. Action Team, March 10,1994 Minutes
IDI Marketing Board Overall Marketing and Public Relations Subcommittee Meeting: Minutes, August 14, 1993
IDMI Board Meeting, July 15, 1993
Mayor's Task Force on Police Performance Assessment, Minutes to June 30, 1993 Meeting
IDI: Action Team Minutes, May 12, 1994
Outreach Committee Meeting, October 27, 1992
Remarks by Republican Mayors in Stakeout
Outreach Committee Meeting Report, January 14, 1993
Task Force for Equal Opportunity in Construction Meeting
Karl Zimmer Remarks, May 11, 1993_Handwritten
Project Jobs April 6, 1993 Meeting Notes
Steve Weyreter Remarks, May 11, 1993_Handwritten
Steve Weyreter Remarks, May 11, 1993_Typed
J.C. Ertel Remarks, May 11, 1993_Typed