Panter, Mark Thomas
24 items found
Mark Thomas Panter
Statement by Paul E. Sherron
Statement by William Nickens
Verdict, Mark Thomas Panter
Chief of Police Incident Report, May 6, 1971
Churchill and Kramer to Lumpkin and Koers, May 7, 1971
Criminal History: Mark Thomas Panter
Indianapolis Police Department - General Description
Mark T. Panter Finger Prints
Mark Thomas Panter Autopsy
Autopsy and Investigative Reports
Statement by Clifton Rednour
Statement by David Thompson
Statement by Kenneth Branham
Statement by Mabel Franklin
Statement by Mary Hertenstein
Schoppenhorst to Churchill, Lumpkin, and Koers, May 6, 1971
Schoppenhorst to Churchill, Lumpkin, and Koers, May 7, 1971
Case # 721536D Clothing Check List
Case # 721635-D Receipt for Evidence