Longworth, Nick
217 items found
Meetings For February 16
Forward Together Blank Letter
From Beurt SerVaas, October 1, 1969
From L. Keith Bulen and Mayor Lugar, October 6, 1969
Sherry Gardiner to Herbert Thompson, October 27, 1969
Indianapolis Republicans of 1971 Luncheon
L. Keith Bulen to Noble Pearcy, October 10, 1969
L. Keith Bulen to Perley Provost, May 15, 1969
L. Keith Bulen to Don Cassidy, November 17, 1969
L. Keith Bulen to Earl Miles, May 15, 1969
L. Keith Bulen to Mayor Lugar, October 30, 1969
January 25, 1971 Revenue Sharing Conference Itinerary
Pat to Mayor Lugar
Atlanta Legislative Conference Attendees
John L. Krauss to Mayor Lugar, James E. Olson, Eugene V. McPherson, and Gene E. Sease, April 18, 1974
Marilyn Goldman to Mayor Lugar, Feburary 11, 1971
Patronage for 1972, January 5, 1971
Patronage, January 25, 1971
Nick Longworth to Vi, April 10, 1972
Vi Wiles Note, Aprl 4, 1972