Lowry, Dr. Murrill M.
349 items found
Murrill M. Lowry to Mayor Hudnut, February 22, 1977
Mayor Hudnut to Dr. Murrill Lowry and Chief Eugene Gallagher, April 9, 1980
Murrill Lowry Note
Eugene Gallagher to Murrill M. Lowry, March 21, 1978
Eugene Gallagher to Murrill Lowry, February 1, 1979 (Marked)
Murrill Lowry to Deputy Mayor Bruce Melchert, June 8, 1977
Bruce Melchert to Murrill Lowry, re: Animal Advisory Committee
Bruce Melchert to Murrill Lowry
Murrill M. Lowry to Mayor Hudnut, October 26, 1977
Murrill M. Lowery to Harold L. Ostenmeyer, April 6, 1978
Eugene Gallagher to Murrill M. Lowry, March 23, 1978- Marked
Randall W. Jehs to Murrill Lowry, January 27, 1977
Murrill M. Lowry to Mayor Hudnut, December 9, 1980
Jan Kamplain to Dr. Murrill Lowry, February 6, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to David R. Frick, Robert N. Kennedy, Murrill Lowry et al, December 26, 1978
12/10/78 Marcie, Please Write a Note...
Murrill M. Lowry to Mayor Hudnut, January 3, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Fred Armstrong, Ray Crowe, et. al, June 15, 1979
Murrill M. Lowry to Mayor Hudnut, February 23, 1978
Murrill M. Lowry to Mayor Hudnut, March 23, 1977