Hill, Kristie
103 items found
Kristie Hill & Shirly Taylor, July 21, 1989, Img. 3
Kristie Hill & Shirly Taylor, July 21, 1989, Print
Kristie Hill & Shirly Taylor, July 21, 1989, Proof Sheet
Schedule for Mayor William H. Hudnut, III, June 22, 1984
From Mayor Hudnut, City-County Ordinances and Resolutions
From Mayor Hudnut, City-County Ordinances and Resolutions, February 5, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to President and Members of the City-County Council, December 30, 1987
Margo A. Lyon to Mayor Hudnut, May 20, 1981
John P. Ryan to Mayor Hudnut, March 17, 1986
From Thomas C. Hasbrook, April 23, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Kristie Hill & Elena Leigh-Cohen, August 6, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Kristie Hill, March 21, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Kristie Hill, July 21, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Kristie Hill, December 10, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Kristie Hill, March 30, 1988 (Marked)
Mayor Hudnut to Kristie Hill, March 30, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Dr. Beurt SerVaas, July 10, 1990
To Mayor Hudnut, September 6, 1990
Richard I. Blankenbaker to Fred Armstrong, Michael Fogarty, et al, January 7, 1988
Jerry D. Selmer to Mayor Hudnut, May 20, 1991