Floreancig, Lisa
54 items found
City Will Seek A G.O. Bond Issue to Finance Federally Required Clean Air Improvements
Mayor Hudnut to Lisa Floreancig and Mary Ann Pahud, April 25, 1984
Regarding Lisa Floreancig as Assistant Press Secretary
News Release, November 1985
Mary Huggard to Lisa Floreancig, June 6, 1986
Survey Guide 1994 Lisa Floreancig
Mayor Announces Feibleman Awards Winners , June 25, 1985
Lisa Floreancig in Office, July 1983, Img. 1
Lisa Floreancig in Office, July 1983, Img. 2
Lisa Floreancig in Office, July 1983, Img. 3
Barbara S. Gole to Mayor Hudnut, July 23, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Lisa Floreancig, January 24, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Lisa Floreancig, July 1, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Lisa Floreancig, August 8, 1986
Abby Hobbs to Lisa Floreancig, December 11, 1985
Mayor Hudnut Speaks to Rotary
Mayor Announces New Christmas Tree Disposal Program
Mayor Announces Resignation of Dietrick
Mayor Appoints Guidara as Press Chief
Tracey H. Cole to Lisa Floreansig, December 9, 1985