DeFabis, Mark V.
75 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Samuel Oaks, February 19, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to William Hoglund, February 19, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Donald Atwood, February 19, 1985
Mark V. DeFabis to Mayor Hudnut, January 17, 1985
1984 Budget Proposal for the Indianapolis Growth Project Inc.
Summary Transition Recommendations
Reception in Honor of Mark V. DeFabis, November 25, 1985
Mark V. DeFabis to Mayor Hudnut, October 25, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Tom Binford, February 6, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to Mark V. DeFabis, May 30, 1978
Eugene B. Hibbs to Mark V. DeFabis and Mike Higbee, February 6, 1985
Mark V. DeFabis to Mayor Hudnut, August 1984
From Mark V. DeFabis, June 1985
Mark V. DeFabis to Mayor Hudnut, March 12, 1982
Mark DeFabis to Mayor Hudnut, August 20, 1984