Dorbecker, Doris L.
31 items found
David O. Meeker Jr. to James Morris, April 6, 1970
Orphus Smith to Mayor Lugar, June 15, 1975
Concerned Voters of Marion County to Mayor Lugar et al, January 27, 1972
Doris L. Dorbecker to Pat Midgley, December 2, 1970
Richard B. Wetzel to Doris L. Dorbecker, April 3, 1970
Doris L. Dorbecker to Mayor Lugar, March 31, 1970
Mayor Lugar's Remarks to GOP Committeemen, January 27, 1971
W. W. Harris to Members of Indianapolis Civic Progress Association, February 17, 1969
Doris L. Dorbecker to Mayor Lugar
Mayor Lugar to Doris L. Dorbecker, June 30, 1970
Indianapolis Sesquicentennial Commission