1,009 items found
CHPCMC Health Facilities and Services Planning Committee Meeting Minutes, September 3, 1969
Mayor Lugar to William R. Miller, February 11, 1972
James C. Bidwell to John Mutz, February 20, 1975
Jo Alexander to Mike Carroll, December 31, 1974
Legal Notice of Public Hearing 68-Z-54 and 68-Z-55
Michael A. Carroll to Richard G. Lugar, February 15, 1973
Charles Hiles to Michael A. Carroll, February 5, 1973
To Michael A. Carroll, January 14, 1975
Michael A. Carroll to Charles P. Majors, March 22, 1973
Michael A. Carroll to H. C.Moor, February 26, 1973
James Cox to John Ober, March 15, 1973
Downtown Idea Exchange Mid-Month Issue: Using Streets
Summary of the Report by the Task Force on Metropolitan Transportation
Legislative Status Report
Memo re: 2050 N. Illinois Street
Mrs. Warner Mieir to Mayor Lugar, January 30, 1968
Paul Doherty to Mayor Lugar, November 17, 1968
Charles Whistler to Mayor Lugar, December 19, 1969
E. H. Franke to Wayne Nelson, April 17, 1969
James N. Miller to Metropolitan Plan Commission, February 5, 1969