1,009 items found
Handwritten Draft of Letter Regarding Odyssey 2000
James C. Cummings Jr. to L. Keith Bulen, January 7, 1972
Reorganization of the Department of Metropolitan Development, June 28, 1992
Jack Wallace Citizen Request Form
Laura Servaas Citizen Request Form
Mayor Backs Chatham Arch Zoning Simplification to Encourage New Housing
Potential Press Release, Chatham Arch Neighborhood
Jon Meeks to Bob Swhier, March 3, 1992
House Bill No. 1495
Agreement between the Indianapolis Urban Enterprise Association, Inc. and Thomson Consumer Electronics
Proposal to Prepare a Master Development Plan for the Indianapolis Urban Enterprise Zone_Draft
Leslie R. Rubin to Robert J. Hedding, Jr., June 2, 1992
Larry Gigerich and Jay Walters to Dan Kozlowski, April 21, 1994
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith, April 27, 1992
ACOG Perspective, January 1993
Mayor Hudnut with Precinct or Zoning Map of Marion County, Circa 1978, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut with Housing Revolving Fund Poster, March 1979, Img. 1
Mayor Hudnut with Housing Revolving Fund Poster, March 1979, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut with Housing Revolving Fund Poster, March 1979, Img. 3
Cartoon Man Drawing, Img. 1