Zoning Violations
59 items found
Restraining Order Closes Festival Theatre
Jon Meeks to David Carley, March 25, 1985
Jon Meeks to David Carley, February 27, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Frank Andrews, February 28, 1985
Frank Andrews to Mayor Hudnut, January 31, 1985
Petition to Mayor William Hudnut, November 28, 1984
Jon Meeks to Mayor Hudnut, May 25, 1984
Jon Meeks to Mayor Hudnut, May 29, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to Jon Neely
Adult Dancing Club to Close After Zoning Action
Mayor Hudnut Announces Hiring of New Enforcement Section Inspectors
Regarding Closing of the Dollhouse Lounge
Marion O. Redstone to Tony Rossino, March 9, 1990
Marion O. Redstone to Mike Higbee, March 14, 1990
Andrew C. Skirvin to Toni Rossino, Notice of Zoning Violation, March 13, 1990
1501-65 N Delaware - Metropolitan Center
David F. Rees to Marion O. Redstone, March 12, 1990
Marion O. and Patricia B. Redstone to Neighbors, March 9, 1990
Marion O. Redstone to Tony Rossino, March 9, 1990