98 items found
Operation Breakthrough - The Need for Change
The Park Department Budget-- 1970
Indianapolis Needs the CASA Center
Bob Gamble to Mayor Lugar, September 27, 1968
No "Follow-Through" in Indianapolis
The USCO Housing Project
Model Cities, February 21, 1968
Model Cities, February 22, 1968
Model Cities, March 3, 1968
Don Menke to Charles E. Shearer, Jr., February 10, 1970
The Time of Day #7
The Bus Company
Thomas Hasbrook to Don Robinson Aug. 2, 1971
"Operation Breakthrough"
David O. Meeker Jr. to Harold G. Finger, April 29, 1970
In the Interest of the City Dweller
The Indianapolis Housing Study and the Job Ahead
Agreement On A Reservoir
Operation Breakthrough- The Need for Change
Protect Your Child Against Disease