U.S. Conference of Mayors
1,375 items found
Beverly Guidara to Marlene A. Belles, October 27, 1986
Beverly Guidara to Steve Proeschel, December 15, 1986
Beverly Guidara to Judi Gold, December 15, 1986
Beverly Guidara to Diane M. VanHammen, December 15, 1986
Affirmative Action Questionnaire for Cities
Wm. Bradford Reynolds to Mayor Hudnut, December 24, 1986
Proposed Resolutions 1971 Conference of Mayors Philadelphia
Proposed Resolutions and Comments 1971 Conference of Mayors Philadelphia
Tom Cochran to Human Resources Development Committee, June 4, 1971
U. S. Conference of Mayors, Resolutions Committee 1971
Beverly Guidara to Jim Budds, December 17, 1986
Beverly Guidara to Robert G. Marbut, Jr., December 15, 1986
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Process Held Unconstitutional
Remarks by Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Media Advisory from The Office of Mayor Hudnut