U.S. Conference of Mayors
1,375 items found
Retaining Certian Small Issue IDBs for Distressed Areas, Resolution #6
Maintaining the CDBG Program, Resolution #45
Resolution #47: Establishing a National Housing Trust Fund
Resolution #49: Preventing Loss of Low-Income Housing
Resolution #50: Increasing Public Housing Funding
Resolution #52: Adopting the Fair Housing Amendment Act
J. Thomas Cochran to Mayor Hudnut, September 8, 1987_Original
Mayor Hudnut to William Hummel, March 25, 1986_With Stamp
Mayor Hudnut and Mayor Campbell Reception
States- Counties-Cities United For Renewal Of Revenue Sharing
Mayor Hudnut to William Hummel, March 25, 1986
Tracy L. Dillard to Mayor Hudnut, March 18, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to William Hummel
Jane A. Richardson to Mayor Hudnut, June 12, 1978
LMRS Newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1977
Gerard Lavery Lederer to Frank R. Wolf, February 27, 1989
Peter A. Peyser, Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, October 2, 1989
Developments in Criminal Justice
John J. Gunther to Mayor Hudnut, December 15, 1982
Yvette Carter to Mayor Hudnut, December 20, 1989