438 items found
Malcolm Baldridge to Dan Quayle, June 30, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Richard G. Lugar, October 5, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Edward G. Jeep, March 16, 1981
Cathy Freebaim to John Krauss, March 12, 1981
Overall Economic Development Program Committee, July 8, 1980
Overall Economic Development Program Committee Meeting, July 8, 1980
Lynn Druding to Mayor Hudnut, April 6, 1983
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, April 20
IUPUI Theater
N/C -- Broad Ripple Playhouse Moves to IRT's Upperstage Notes
Broad Ripple to Use Upperstage of Indiana Theatre Draft
Jimmy Seacat to Ed Davis, January 6, 1982
Karen Lake to Tom Henry, December 17, 1982
Tish Haskett to Mayor Hudnut, March 19, 1983
Invitation to the Grand Opening Celebration of Broad Ripple Playhouses' Move Downtown
Phoenix Theatre Announces Downtown Location, Opening Production and Sends Over 100 Free Theatre Tickets into Flight Over Downtown Indy!
June E. McCarty to Tom Henry, March 14, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to R.H.Henkel, August 5, 1976
To Mayor Hudnut
1985-1985 Cabaret Schedule