61 items found
Market Square Property Taxes Based on $7 Millon Assessed Valuation
Indianapolis Taxpayers Association Encourages Voting No on the County Option Income Tax Increase
Recommendations by the Indianapolis Taxpayers Association for a More Efficient Operation of the Central Equipment Management Division City Garage
David R. Frick to the Editor of The Indianapolis Star, November 14, 1978
First Batch of Signatures against Redevelopment Bond Issue
Increased Cost to Taxpayers Above the 1977 Budget Based on the 1978 F.O.P. Proposal
Fiscal Responsibility: City Disintegration
James R. Perry to Mayor Hudnut, June 12, 1991
Re: How Much More Tax Money Does the City Need?
It's a Plan to Completely Do Away with Property Tax Supported Bond Issues
Lewis C. Murphy to Chamber Members, October 12, 1984
Dorothy Lynn to Mayor Hudnut, April 20, 1988
David Carley to Carl Moldthan, May 30, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to John Ryan, May 4, 1984
Taxes - Justification of Diversification
Taxes - Property Tax Distributions
City of Indianapolis Financial Presentation
Taxpayers Research Association
Taxes - Justification of Diversification and Neighborhoods - Coordination with Township Assessors
1980 Reduced Reliance Notes