138 items found
Proclamation "Shriners Hospitals Days"
Proclamation "Shriners Hospitals Days"
Proclamation, Shrine of North America
From Mayor Goldsmith, August 30, 1994_First Annual Indianapolis Shrine Mayor's Cup
Greetings from Mayor Goldsmith, Welcome 1994 Indianapolis Shrine Mayor's Cup
Herbert E. Smith to Mayor Goldsmith, August 18, 1994
From Mayor Goldsmith, June 16, 1994_Great Lakes Unit Meet
Peggy Hoose to Steven Goldsmith, March 22, 1994
Mayor Goldsmith to Arthur T. Shack, June 23, 1993_Draft
Murat, November 1992 with Note from Gene to Mayor Goldsmith, November 13, 1992
Murat Temple UDAG Agreement, September 6, 1995
Revisions to the Memorandum of Agreement for the Murat Temple Renovation Project, August 31, 1995
Bill Bray and Keith Bulen Hold "Indiana Shrine All Star Game" Posters with Other Shriners, Circa 1970, Img. 2
Shriners Marching in Parade in Washington D.C., 1965
Murat Shriners on Stage Singing for Audience, 1964, Img. 2
Murat Shriners Sing At Palmer House, Chicago, Circa 1964
Officers and President of Murat Shriners Caravan Club, 1964
Shriners Walking in Parade, Milwaukee, 1962
Keith Bulen Leads Murat Shriners in a Parade, 1964 or 1965
Group of Shriners